Nafisa A. Iqbal is a Bangladeshi writer, researcher, and activist living and working in Vancouver, B.C. She is a graduate of the MFA Creative Writing program at Columbia University.
“Let no one be fooled that we may write in English, for we intend to do unheard of things with it.”
— Chinua Achebe
Nafisa was in a shipwreck as a young child. She is among the third generation of women in her family to pursue writing as a lifelong path. Nafisa is cowed by the iron will of her eighteen-year-old self who chose to move 8,000 miles away from home in Bangladesh to live more life than was allotted her in brutal and beautiful New York City where she lived for eight brutal and beautiful years. She has now moved on to Vancouver, British Columbia in search of a slower pace of life, where she is pursuing an M.A. in Curriculum & Pedagogy at the University of British Columbia.
In 2020, Nafisa was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize among over 5,000 applicants. During her time at Columbia University, she served as the Co-President of Our Word, a student organization supporting marginalized writers. At Columbia, she received the Felipe P. De Alba fellowship awarded by the Chair of the Writing Program. She is represented by Naomi Eisenbeiss of InkWell Management.
In the Fall ‘22 semester, Nafisa designed and taught a course as part of Columbia University’s Community Courses called Prose Playground, a generative class meant to spark new material through experimentation and play, in a manner meant to defy Western narrative conventions.
In November 2022, she was chosen as a panelist at the RARE Health Equity Summit as a result of her advocacy for equity in healthcare, where she engaged with healthcare practitioners and stakeholders in the healthcare system about the issue of medical gaslighting.
Her poem, I Tried To Be A Muslim, has been nominated for Best Young Poets 2024. Her poem, Sixteen Salvation, won the Lascaux Prize in Poetry 2024 and awarded $1,000. Her short story, The Vegetarian, was a finalist for the Waasnode Prize 2024 awarded by Passages North.
The Vegetarian, Passages North [forthcoming]
Majnoon, The Ex-Puritan (Issue 55)
Forget Him, Tint Journal (Issue Fall ‘20)
The Shedding, adda (Commonwealth Foundation)
Bellow, FOLIO (Issue 38)
Material Abstraction/Mutual Attraction, great weather for MEDIA anthology (Beacon Radiant issue)
Hereditary, Asian American Writers’ Workshop The Margins [forthcoming]
Feral, Foglifter Magazine (Spring 2024 issue, forthcoming)
Sixteen, Salvation, The Lascaux Review [winner of the Lascaux Prize 2024]
The Dead Sea, wildness (Issue 31)
I Tried To Be A Muslim, wildness (Issue 31) [nominated for Best Young Poets 2024]
Death, You’re the Elephant in the Room, Gyroscope Review (Spring 2023 issue)
My Screen Is the Temple of My Yearning and, By God, I Am Praying, Common Ground Review
A Man Has Died, Common Ground Review
Union, Unravelling, Anodyne Magazine (Vol. 4)
In Search of a Better Life, Foglifter Magazine (Spring 2025 issue, forthcoming)
The Divine Aquatic, The Rumpus
How Medical Gaslighting Harms Women, The Mighty
Those Who Came Before, Fourth Genre (Issue 26.1)
Undisciplined Conversation: Poetic Inquiry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, October 2024
Medical Gaslighting, Global Genes RARE Health Equity Summit 2022, Atlanta, GA, November 2022
Editors Panel with Claire Boyle (McSweeney’s), Cressida Leyshon (The New Yorker) and Elizabeth DeMeo (Tin House), Columbia University School of the Arts, Our Word, New York, April 2022
Postcolonial Narratives Panel with Asako Serizawa, Kawai Strong Washburn, Novuyo Rose Tshuma, and Sally Wen Mao, Columbia University School of the Arts, Our Word, New York, April 2022
An Agent Conversation between Jin Auh (The Wylie Agency) and Sarah Bolling (The Gernert Company), Columbia University School of the Artsm Our Word, New York, March 2022
Alice Wong Spring Writer-in-Residence, Conversation and Q&A, Columbia University School of the Arts, Our Word, New York, February 2022
Sally Wen Mao Fall Writer-in-Residence, Reading and Workshop, Columbia University School of the Arts, Our Word, New York, December 2021
Palestinian Artists Panel with Zaina Arafat, Sumaya Awad, and Betty Shamieh, Columbia University School of the Arts, Our Word, New York, June 2021
Email Nafisa. Or find her on Instagram at the_monafisa.